Our Recording & Sound Technology Program teaches students the skills and techniques they need to know to be an audio industry professional. Quality sound work is the backbone of modern media; when good audio is missing, it greatly diminishes the production quality of any product. As a recording and sound student, you will train with motivated, determined classmates under industry professionals, as you learn to produce excellent music and pristine field audio.
Let’s Talk!

Course 1: Audio Fundamentals, Recording and Acoustics
- Characteristics of sound waves and how the human ear perceives sound.
- Microphones types and their applications.
- The multi-track recording process.
- Basic electronic signal flow.
Course 2: Digital Audio Technology
- Terminology and functions of digital audio.
- Differentiate between analog and digital audio signals.
- MIDI keyboards and other electronic instruments.
- Create and edit basic audio tracks on a computer.
Course 3: Practical Recording Techniques & Basic Live Sound
- Selection of microphones as applicable to live performances.
- Mixing/monitoring consoles and public address systems as applicable to live performances.
- Audio cable assembly and repair.
Course 4: Production and Recording Concepts
- Studio personnel and their roles.
- Independent lab – recording session.
- The multi-track recording, mixing and editing process.
- Signal processing devices.
Course 5: Business Communications
- Developing a professional resume and cover letter and know how to tailor it to the job.
- Job search strategies.
- Business documents including: sales & order forms, model releases, and contracts.
- Finding an attorney, tax accountant, and insurance agent for the audio engineer – recording studio.
- Social media marketing: Facebook, Twitter, Vimeo, and Youtube.
- Web Design for the audio engineer.
- Sales strategies including: Phone etiquette, Open-ended questioning, and Appointment Scheduling.
Course 6: Student Final Project/Audio Portfolio
- Independent final recording session.
- Mix & edit the final recording session.
- Using the web to upload audio files.