Contest Registration Thank You

Thank you for registering for AMP’s Summer digital media contests.  Please mark your calendars for the date and times listed below.

PHOTOGRAPHY:  Thursday June 25th at 9am on Zoom (invite emailed at 8:30am).  Photo upload deadline Friday June 26th at 9am.

DIGITAL CINEMA: Thursday June 25th at 11am on Zoom (invite emailed at 10:30am). Film upload deadline Friday June 26th at 11am.

TV PRODUCTION: Thursday June 25th at 1pm on Zoom (invite emailed at 12:30pm). Video upload deadline Friday June 26th at 1pm.

AUDIO/RADIO PRODUCTION: Thursday June 25th at 3pm on Zoom (invite emailed at 2:30pm).  Audio upload deadline Friday June 26th at 3pm.

Preparation:  All contests will start on the date & time listed above with an online knowledge test using the Kahoot gaming platform.  Please be prepared by having access to the Zoom meeting app and the Kahoot gaming app from the App Store.  You will be provided with a prompt and technical requirements at the end of your session.  In addition, please prepare with the information listed below.

Contest Descriptions:

  1. Photography:  This contest will consist of a Knowledge test and a Field Assignment.  The Knowledge test will be administered during your Zoom meeting at the time listed above using the Kahoot gaming app (download from the App Store PRIOR to the contest day.)  You will be given a photographic theme and have 24 hours to upload 4 of your best images to an AMP assigned Dropbox folder that will be emailed to you.  Images must be resized to a jpeg, 4″x6″ with a resolution of 400.  Each of your images should be renamed using this format Lastname_Firstname_## (i.e. Smit_John_01)
  2. Digital Cinema: This contest will consist of a Knowledge test and a 4.5 to 5.5 minute short film.  The Knowledge test will be administered during your Zoom meeting at the time listed above using the Kahoot gaming app (download from the App Store PRIOR to the contest day.)  You will be given a film “prompt” and have 24 hours to upload your film to an AMP assigned Dropbox folder that will be emailed to you.  Films must be FHD 1080 resolution and exported as an mp4 file.  Files must be renamed using this format Lastname_Firstname_Title (i.e. Smit_John_ThePuppet)
  3. TV Production: This contest will consist of a Knowledge test and a 60 second commercial.  The Knowledge test will be administered during your Zoom meeting at the time listed above using the Kahoot gaming app (download from the App Store PRIOR to the contest day.)  You will be given a commercial “prompt” and have 24 hours to upload your video to an AMP assigned Dropbox folder that will be emailed to you.  Videos must be FHD 1080 resolution and exported as an mp4 file.  Files must be renamed using this format Lastname_Firstname_Title (i.e. Smit_John_IceCreamShop)
  4. Audio Production: This contest will consist of a Knowledge test and a 60 second News Expose and a 30 second Radio Advertising Spot.  The Knowledge test will be administered during your Zoom meeting at the time listed above using the Kahoot gaming app (download from the App Store PRIOR to the contest day.)  You will be given an audio “prompt” and have 24 hours to upload your final product to an AMP assigned Dropbox folder that will be emailed to you.  Projects must be submitted as a high quality MP3 file.  Files must be renamed using this format Lastname_Firstname_Title (i.e. Smit_John_ThePuppet)

Detailed contest descriptions will be discussed during your zoom meeting.  Any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our offices at: 800-661-2981 or

We look forward to seeing you online on June 25th!

AMP Staff