Axel Hartman – Class of 2017
What is your job title and what are your job duties?
I am a Freelance Videographer. I’m a hunting videographer, social media manager, wedding videographer and video editor. However, since I run my own business my duties don’t stop there.
What are some of the things you like best about this job?
I really enjoy being my own boss because I can plan out my own schedule. This also gives me the ability to keep my focus where I want it to be and go after what I want. Having a job in the outdoor industry, filming hunts under contracts and working with likeminded people are all reasons why I love what I do.
How do you see yourself using your video/photography skills in the future?
I see myself continuing to grow in the outdoor industry with videography as I continue to network and make more and more contacts with other professionals in my field. A long term goal of mine is to produce a show on the Outdoor Channel and I don’t plan on giving up until I achieve that.
How did your education at AMP prepare you for this job?
My education at AMP prepared me beyond what I could have imagined; AMP does so much more than just help to “sharpen” ones creative eye behind the camera. AMP prepared me for the business side of things. Now I know how to run and operate my business in a successful manner. Not only that but I had multiple opportunities to work with clients while in school and network with other professionals at the Photo Expo in NYC when we took a class trip. Also, AMP taught me how to search for jobs in my industry and the proper steps I should take to get the job.
What is your fondest memory of AMP?
My fondest memory are the friends I made not just with my classmates but with all the staff at AMP as well. We all shared so many laughs and fond memories together in the short six months I was there; I’ll never forget that.
What advice would you give to a student who is considering pursuing the photography field?
Go after it, if it’s what you love. Doing what I love for the rest of my life is the best choice I’ve ever made because it doesn’t really feel like I’m working!